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9 Game Reviews

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Good game but it's missing something

Everything looked really nice but there were huge speed differences between the first few screens, some lagged like crazy. Also the controls need some iteration, I couldn't beat Birdo at all.


Very addicting and fun. I got one question though, is it intentional that my characters can't level past 12 but Greece and Russia have level 14 characters?

Good but not perfect

There aren't many building games for flash and this one is pretty good.
Towards the end it was way too easy though because the enemies only attacked like once every 5 minutes with a few units.
Maybe you should try to make the next one more of a strategy/building game because that was the best part of this, clicking the enemies 100 times to kill them wasn't.


One of the best flash games ever.

A few minor improvements could be made though.
-The endings were very anti-climatic. I thought that the "Shadow Wolves" that the book told about would be the last boss, were they even in the game?
-The last sword attack had way too high MP usage considering that Revenge Strike always deals more damage at some point of the fight.

Couldn't stop playing

Strangely addictive game, usually I hate flash shooters.

My final score was a little over 160 million and level was about 60.

Is !!!HOLY SHIT!!! the best 'comment' in the game?

ShotInTheHead responds:


Nice little game

Btw when I got 108 on my second try it didn't show the whole score.
Only showed half of the last 8.

Average engine

I hope in the final version it has a moving camera if it's going to be a racing game because that just doesn't work.

Fun for a while but gets repetitive

This is a good base for a better game.
Like this it isn't very good because there's no challenge.
It's the same level over and over with more money everytime.
Am I supposed to get those 3 other units like Trebutchet and Cavalry?


You can't get the other units: they were greyed out for a reason. In Version 1, they HAD to be greyed out, otherwise the interface would look strange. In Version 2, I could've just taken out the second column... but I left it in. Hopefully Version 3 will have a filled set of units.

Simple but fun game

This is good for killing some time.
Hehe, seemed like the screen was still scrolling for a while after the game stopped

Age 38, Male

Flash dude

Joined on 9/16/04

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